Tuesday, June 15, 2010


And a new entry to the household- Peanut... (though I'd rather call her PeePoo and I think Poornima suits her much more. Dainty little kitty she is... trots around the house very lady-like-ly on tippy-toes. She comes out from under the bed only in the evenings and at night to sing. So don't have many pictures of her yet.

What is it with this damn prickly-ass carpet that makes these cats go crazy??
 Guess I'll never understand...


neha said...

ok...so you have peanut now, and what happened to baron????

Nimita said...

aare aunty... read na below... Baron got adopted on Friday... I'm just a foster-mom for these cats so my place is a stopover. Otherwise they either go to smelly cages at a vet's or if there isn't place they get euthanized :(

neha said...

ohhh...that's sad!
why don't you let one of them stay, will keep u company.

Nimita said...

Considering my travel plans (now that my dam UAE visa is ready)... unfair on the cats, no?
Plus this way I save lives!