Sunday, January 13, 2013


Infographic of the day!!
Yes we are using lots more of soya lately... Soya milk is a good replacement for regular dihorrea inducing and phlegm increasing milk. We make ours at he sometimes. And the pulp that remains (okara) goes in the making of some super healthy cookies that I'm gaining a fan-base of!

Saturday, January 12, 2013


Another cat post after a long time... but this one might be IT! I woukd follow that by an 'inshallah' though :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Misery is mysterious. You know the formula for not being miserable. Yet this formula is never available to you when miserable. 
Misery is full of lethargy, bummery and thoughtlessness. 
Chai, chocolate, mindless TV shows and relentless Google searches for nothing are what it is made of and antisocialness is just a by-product of all that. Plus nobody will want to be around you anyway. 
The current cause of my state is directionlessness. I suppose this is a feeling I share with many of my designer/ architect/ urban designer peers at this moment. We post-recession lot are known to be this way... And there is no obvious place to go from here.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

BFF.. ?

Inspired by the drawings dear friend and foodie blogger buddy (yes, she draws AND cooks!)... here's my newest ceramic piece, in progress....
But first, the drawing I'm using:
 Go look at the poem that goes with it... it makes it more worth it. 

Just traced- the paper fibers left behind will get fried in the kiln.


Some details

All the textures

So another round of finalizing the lines and making it more crisp will finish this project, ready to be fired later this week... 
And then it will be (nearly) set in stone, this friendship... 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


We all pine for silence, peace and 'shanti'. And if you live in Bombay, this is an every day phenomena. It has always been a point of disgust to me that our country with its numerous religions is so damn NOISY. The song and dance and chants and bells and everything that accompanies this- the people and the chatter and the laughs and the rumbling of feet and the smell of sweat (nothing to do with the noise, but terrible nonetheless)... ugh... Terrible. 
On the other hand, you go to the west and silence prevails. In Switzerland people even wear ear plugs (christened 'ear tampons' bu a good friend) at concerts and gatherings. In fact, they're distributed by the sponsors in neat little boxes with cars on the cover (?). These people just aren't used to noise. They're sensitive even to the stranger's footsteps, waking 3 floors downstairs in stiff boots with his dog at 10PM at night. This is the mark of an apparently 'civilized' society, I suppose. No noise. Each to themselves. Their Mindspace. Their audio space. 
And I say this is how they disconnect themselves more and more from their surroundings and their people. There is no collective if you don't hear them and if they don't 'invade' your mindspace. 
In India you are bombarded with the sound of society- whether you like them or not (it is no wonder not many Indians commit suicide out of loneliness). 
But I think there's a more esoteric explanation here. Our ancient civilizations discovered that true happiness lies in keeping the mind's chatter at bay. The mind has a tendency to stop us from achieving our goals and according to Vedic and Yogic culture, it is best to take measures to keep it as calm and silent as possible. This act brings one closer to the Consciousness or God or the Universe (or whatever else you might want to call it). And that is why we chant and meditate- to keep the mind silent, to focus the energies elsewhere and to ultimately be an observer of the mind as opposed to a partaker of its chatter. And that is why we sing and chant in groups- an act that ultimately silences the mind. And that is why our country is so noisy. Not to bombard your mindspace with religious and political propaganda, not to disrupt your personal silent musings. But rather to silence the chatter of a restless mind and bring you closer to the real happiness, not an imaginary one that involves silent streets, silent people and silent lives. 


Lemons... are pretty good.

I've been thinking lately about the psychology of cleanliness.
I started using the Spaghetti Scrubber lately and the box said you need to use little or no soap and it will still clean the dishes well. It took me a while to get used to this- since frothliness equals cleanliness to my mind. So I tried it out a bit, but I always needed a visible foam. So I researched on some homemade cleaning agents and discovered none of them (largely lemon, vinegar and baking soda) foamed. 
Another time I was in a largely Malayali supermarket and I discovered some hair and body 'cleaners' made of natural soapnut and shikakai. No, they weren't soaps or shampoos, but powders that are mixed with water and used. Eeks! No dollops of foam to lift off my head and blow with a seductive 'fffooooo'? Not happening! 
But some months of using lemon peels with water (and a drop of soap because I can't resist) for washing the dishes has proven to be quite fruitful. The leftover water from washing (which I collect) can now be used for many more things than before. 
And then my dad told me of the most traditional way of washing dishes- sand or charcoal as the medium and a scrunched jute rope as applicator. Huh... No foam. Well. So foam is this modern day brainwash to make us feel clean. 
Yes that is the blunt conclusion to this article. Enjoy. 

Image Credit

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


That's just an empty Pizza Hut box with tiles in them that came from the kiln too... not pie.

These are the laugh study models... the life-size laughing head cast is yet to be completed...